Book Creator

Dollar Street


Pages 4 and 5 of 28

Now that we know where you live, let's take a look at what your house looks like on the inside.

Over the next few pages of this book you will be compiling a collection of images that shows what a house in your section of Dollar Street looks like.

Each page will have a heading, all you need to do is take a picture/photo that best describes or depicts that heading - there must only be ONE picture per page (No collages).
Please make sure the picture is good quality, cropped if needed and placed neatly on the correct page.

PLEASE NOTE: If you do not feel comfortable showing us an image of that part of your house - LEAVE THAT SECTION BLANK - you will not be penalized in any way for this.

The purpose of this social experiment will be made clear to you by the end of the project...

Let's begin!
Front door