Book Creator

Student Portfolio

by Keith Brown (@KTech8)

Pages 2 and 3 of 25

My Digital Portfolio
(Student's Name)

(Take your picture and place it here)
Rounded Rectangle
My name is:
(your name here)

Here is a portfolio about me as a learner, and what I learned in (the project name)

For (Teacher's) Class Project
My book has severeal sections. They are:
Section 1: As a Learner
Section 2: Things I like To Do
Section 3: Working Conditions
Section 4: When a Problem Arises
Section 5: The Project
Sectioon 6: Reflections

Final Notes and Bibliography
Section 1: As a learner:
I prefer to see it.
I do best when I hear it.
I do best when I actually do the task.
Speech Bubble
Speech Bubble
Speech Bubble
This is how I learn best:

Section 2: Things I like to do:
In my spare time, I like to:

My hobbies are:
Speech Bubble
Section 3: Working conditions:
How I rate myself from 1-10 (1 being lowest and 5 being the highest):

When I work alone:

When I work in small groups:

When I am a part of a large group:

My overall preference is: __________________________________

Section 4: When a problem arises:
When I run into a problem: Put a Circle around the one that best describes how you feel when a problem arises.
Record a short audio of what you do next to solve your issue. Insert it in the box below. 
Section 5: The Project:
How I planned out the steps to complete the project: (add to as you need)
