Book Creator

Write, Learn, Teach - Lesson 1

by Pedro Santana

Pages 4 and 5 of 21

Writing a Paragraph: Product Approach
1) In pairs, discuss the following questions:

• What problems can you see in the Brazilian educational system?
• Do you think different countries have similar problems? Have you heard anything about it?
2) Read the following extract from an essay and discuss in pairs if you agree or disagree with the author.
Teacher's shoes
• How can you guarantee a reading piece is appropriate for your students?
• What strategies can you employ to overcome difficulties?

Check out this link for suggestions

3) Analyse the structure of these paragraphs and answer the questions:

• What do they have in common?
•How would you classify the rhetorical moves? (What’s a rethorical movement?)
•What's a paragraph?
First of all, parents need to be more involved in their child’s education. Simply ensuring that homework is completed or making a concerted effort to stay informed about your child’s progress in school can impact the effort that the child will the put into their learning. On the other hand, some research has indicated that parents who are too involved, or place too much pressure on their children can actually have a detrimental effect on their schooling. Thus, if we are to believe that parental involvement is a potential problem within the US education system, parents need to be more aware of what they can do to help their children succeed in school.

Second, teachers are struggling to cope with the pressure and the demanding responsibilities that come with this profession. This is leading to an increasing number of teachers who burn out or simply choose to quit. To illustrate, in 2006 statistics showed that forty six percent of new teachers quit their jobs within the first five years. This alarming evidence shows how great of a problem this is in the US education system.

Finally, literacy is critical to a student’s ability to grow and learn. There are a number of studies that show that many a student cannot read on grade level. This has even led to students dropping out because of the struggle that they face to learn and understand their work. It appears that more attention must be paid to preschool and elementary education to ensure that the basics of reading are learned properly from the beginning.

(Adapted from: