Book Creator

Stop bullying

by Raquel ._. Estima


"Uma escola sem bullying"
"A school without bullying"

Escola Dr. António Augusto Louro
Na turma 8ºF, na Escola Dr.António Augusto Louro havia um grupo composto por um rapaz o Afonso e duas raparigas, a Alicia e a Sara.
In the 8ºF class, at the Dr.António Augusto Louro School there was a group composed of a boy, Afonso, and two girls, Alicia and Sara.
Esse grupo fazia Bullying verbalmente e físicamente a duas melhores amigas, a Bianca e Leonor.
This group was verbally and physically bullying two best friends, Bianca and Leonor.
Quando a Leonor e a Bianca estavam a estudar no R14, o Afonso e a Sara apareceram de repente, roubando a mala da Bianca e o telemóvel da Leonor.
When Leonor and Bianca were studying at R14, Afonso and Sara suddenly appeared, stealing Bianca's schoolbag and Leonor's cell phone.
Desesperadamente a Leonor começou a chorar e a Bianca viu eram e foi com a Leonor fazer queixa deles os dois à direção.
Desperately Leonor began to cry and Bianca saw that they were and went with Leonor to report them to the direction.
A diretora viu quem eram chamou-os e tomou medidas.
Os alunos ficaram suspensos por 2 semanas e tiveram de realizar trabalho comenitário.
The principal saw who they were, called them and took action.
Students were suspended for 2 weeks and had to make commentary work.