Book Creator


by Alison Stewart

Pages 4 and 5 of 33

KingsWellies Nursery has a lovely, warm, welcoming feeling throughout the nursery. There is a real family feel to the setting and all staff and children appear happy to be there. Staff and children move through the setting, chatting to others , laughing and having fun. Children's ideas and opinions are a priority within activities.
Quality Improvement is a main feature of practice at Kingswellies All staff, children and families are included with focus on improving outcomes for children. There are regular opportunities for meaningful self-evaluation activities, looking at national guidance and using challenge questions.
Action plans are in place for specific areas of the curriculum which are being worked on by the setting as a whole. These actions support the improvement priorities identified through self-evaluation and link with the settings vision, values and aims.
Regular Staff meetings allow discussions which promote collegiate thinking and confidence among staff to share responsibilities equally.
Children's personal plans are kept and focus in on the specific needs of all children, such as things that would comfort them or individual requirements throughout the day. Children's plans, their observations and ideas are all part of their learning journey which is kept within the rooms.
Individual cloakroom areas are provided of the children. They have their own space for their belongings allowing for a development of sense of self while supporting independence and confidence.
Activities such as Health week allow children to make connections between different areas of learning. Building a concept or a skill from different perspectives deepens understanding and makes the curriculum coherent and meaningful to learners