Book Creator


by Pedagog OŠ Lučac

Pages 2 and 3 of 42

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Adventures around
the Mediterranean Sea
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Once upon a sweet day six girls met at a training course in Ankara, Turkey. They carried something related to food with them and they were strangely dressed. The girl from Turkey guided and hosted her new friends. They learned so much about that country and they had so nice time together and
that they signed the "contract of friendship". When it was time to leave, their friend from Croatia invited the rest to her own country to get to know that better and to strengthen their friendship. They all were very excited and thought that it would be a great idea to continue this journey to the rest
countries. Furthermore, they decided to write a diary to keep their adventures alive and to give the opportunity to experience these beautiful places, to other people who would read it. 
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- country by country
- day by day
- adventure by adventure

...lots of nice places and fun...
DAY 1: Welcoming
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The first day, guests had the opportunity to attend a performance of Turkish folklore and Seğmenler Show, followed by an invitation to all the guests to join the dancers and show their skills, while having some fun.
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The first trip was to Historical Ankara Houses at Hamamönü. They tried Turkish coffee and tea and many delicious traditional dishes. After lunch in school it was time for city centre tour: Kızılay. 
DAY 2: The Anıtkabir Mausoleum
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In the early morning group attended ICT training courses.
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The whole afternoon was spent at The Anıtkabir Mausoleum. It’s the mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (founder and first president of the Turkish Republic). But it’s also a grand feat of design and a great example of the Turkish style known as the Second National Architectural Movement. 
DAY 3: Cappadocia (Kapadokya)
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Cappadocia is an area in Central Anatolia in Turkey best known for its unique moon-like landscape, underground cities, cave churches and houses carved in the rocks.
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