Book Creator

Timothy and Tom's Crazy Adventure!

by Aleyna Umar, Andre Guerrette

Pages 2 and 3 of 11

“Hey Tom, look at my little doggy his name is Gary Mary Tary!” said Timothy
“You silly Timothy, that’s no dog. That’s a creature from space called an Alien.” blurred out Tom with a silly, foolish voice.

Timothy is not so smart, on the other hand Tom is a genius. 
Suddenly Tom realized that something isn’t right.

“What are we doing Gary? Timothy’s book isn’t going anywhere.. Shall we help him?” said Tom

“Woof, Woof, meow.” woofed Gary excitedly.
“Okay Timothy, this story is not going anywhere and we need a plot and conflict, or a body to the book to make your writing more professional” Tom stated, he had his shoulders up and stood tall.

“Oh so you mean like this,” Timothy says as he starts to scribble something on a piece of paper. 

“There, now the book has a body!” He said.. Timothy showed tom a picture of a stick figure with a book for it’s head.
Tom looks at Timothy, he sloughts his shoulder and shook his head.
“No, I mean like plot and conflict.” 
“Plot and what?” asked Timothy
“Wait, you don’t know what plot and conflict is?”
Tom asked with a surprised tone knowing now he would have to teach poor timothy.
Then Tom prepared to teach Timothy what plot and conflict is so they can really get this book in order. But then something very, very strange happened...