Book Creator


by Berotti/Censoplano

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Sayville High School Presents
Art and Literary Magazine
Art Advisor
Ms. J. Berotti

Art Editors
Jessica F
Michelle B
Literary Advisor
Ms. S. Censoplano

Literary Editors
Lindsey Y
Artwork by Hailey D
The 2020 edition of Collage is dedicated to
the English Department Chair-

Edward Schmieder.

Lover of Language
Admirer of the Arts

Thank you for your unending support.
Congratulations on your retirement.

We wish you the best!
Art Work by Frank P
by Abby C

Envy is the wanting to fit in.
Envy is the reason friends break apart.
Envy is the feeling of self-loathing.
Envy is full of resentfulness of others.
Envy is desire and wanting.
Envy is to be wanted and desired. 
Envy is the feeling of being disconnected from others around.
Envy is green like poison.
Envy the desire to have what you cannot.
Envy sends money flying out of wallets.
Envy is the value of being ungrateful.
Envy is the fear of joining.
Envy is the pressure to do things that are unnerving.
Envy is the need to impress.
Envy is the luck that some do not possess.
Envy is exaggerating the worst.
Envy is the fear of being yourself.
Envy is the fuel of dislike.
Envy is harmful to others.
Envy is hurtful to yourself.
Envy is an ever growing cage of  loneliness.
Envy is the reason people dislike each other.
Envy is the want of approval.
Envy is the reason for wanting to improve.
Envy is the want of approval.
Huh... I wonder if I do that?
Art Work by Diana R
On Turning 87
by Dylan T 

Upon turning 87, I have experienced insane things. I have seen acts of detrimental hatred toward many different people. I have seen, first-hand, people being severely tortured and killed in WWIII and WWIV. I have also experienced incredible acts of kindness, like my second love giving her heart to her sister in hopes that she might live. By far the most tragic thing that has ever happened to me was losing my wife, the love of my life, in 2071 to a disease that no one could do anything about. The disease that she has had since birth. The most inspirational thing that has happened in my life was in 2052, The Great Animal Crisis, when there was, at most, 15 of each species of animal left on Earth.
A single anonymous man, a very ,VERY rich and generous man, provided upwards of 100 billion dollars to repopulate the animals on Earth and along with this established a ban on hunting in over 80 countries. People are still pushing to establish it in even more countries.
Art Work by Louis A
My Odyssey
by Christina A

As you set out for Aquarius
Hope your road is a long one,
Full of happiness, full of strength, courage, love, and many lessons to learn.
don’t be afraid of them:
You’ll never find things like that on your way
As long as you remain strong and confident like a diamond
As long as a rare excitement
Stirs in your spirit and your body.

Weaknesses and fear 
You won’t encounter them 
Unless you shy away from your goal.
Unless your soul sets them up in front of you.
Hope your road is a magical one.
May there be many guardians of constellations assisting you,
With magical clothes, magical wands,
You are the guardian of Aquarius.
May you stop at a shooting star in the enchanting galaxy,
To buy the keys that will help your quest for solar freedom.
And may you visit other planets to fight evil that attacks the people living there
Keep Aquarius always in your mind.
Art Work by Amber G
Halloween Walk
By Evie K

Windows of old houses
Creak in the dead of night
As I trudge my way home
Squirrels and stray cats scavenging for food
Eerie fog engulfs everything
A soft creak of a door can be heard in the distance
Although it may be just my imagination
I see a dark, intimidating figure
Looming over the homes
It speaks in a cold breeze
That gives my arms goosebumps
It possesses the nearby animals
Who screech and howl for a moment
I look down at my hands for confirmation,
Am I changing too?
My arm shrivels into a small wrinkled lump
I look up--
The figure is gone.
I continue my walk home
Never knowing 
What paid me a visit that day.
Art Work by Sophia P