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The Princess who saved the Bathtub

by Aaradhya Manoharan

Pages 2 and 3 of 4

Once upon a time in the city of MOTHERLAND, there was a mom and two daughters, Rita and Zita. Rita is elder and Zita is younger. Zita always wished to bath in a bathtub. They shifted to a new house. The house was big and spacious .The most important thing is it has a big bathtub. Zita felt very happy and said, "Yay! . Zita asked, "Mommy can we bath in the big bathtub?" and mommy said, "Okay.". So they went to bath and mommy was sitting near the bath tub. Zita and Rita had lots of fun to see bubbles in the bathtub and they thought mommy was also enjoying. Suddenly Rita asked, "Mommy, why are you sitting in the same place?" Mommy didn’t answer for a minute and she smiled. Zita asked, "Mommy, why are your hands inside the tub? Do you want to enjoy like us?" Then Mommy said, "If I take my hands, all your smiles will be lost." Rita understood that the bathtub doesn’t have a stopper. So Mommy used her hands to stop the water from leaking for a long time. Zita and Rita felt so sad and said, "Please, Mommy! Don’t do that! Please take your hands out of the tub," Both kids cried and hugged Mommy and said, "Mommy, you are our Princess who saved the bathtub. We love you!"
MORAL – Family means caring for each other.

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