Book Creator

The business of bees

by Dearing Blankmann

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The Business of Bees
Dearing Blankmann
In loving memory of Angela Mayberry, a dear friend and collaborator. A dedicated teacher, skilled media specialist and engaged community member, Angela shared her love of STEM and literacy with her students and colleagues alike. As I brainstorm, write and revise I carry Angela's ideas, enthusiasm and support with me - Dearing
Why do you think there are always bees around flowers?
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A group of bees is called a colony. A colony of bees live together in a hive.
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A queen runs the colony. The queen gives all the other bees information from chemicals made in her body.
Bees are social. They cooperate with each other so the colony can survive.
The colony also has drones and workers. Drones stay close to the hive. They assist the queen to make her eggs ready to become baby bees or larva.
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Worker bees are very busy. They build and protect the hive, find food and keep the air moving by beating their wings like fans.