Book Creator

Pirate Stories

by Year 5

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Pirate Stories
By Year 5
Stories of seafaring rogues:
terrifying tales of plundering, pillaging and piracy!

The Locket by Sid D

How Not to Find Treasure by James S

Mary Alice and the Ghost Ship by Thomas F

The Cornish Smugglers' Story by Laurence M

The Cruel Pirate Captain and The Kind Pirate Captain by Holly A

Pirates in the Storm by Anastasiya S

Diary of a Pirate by Rafiq D

Captain O’Fish by Evie J







The Cornish Captain’s Story by Max L

Butter and Gurgles by Kai K

The Adventures of Grace, Coral and the Sea Wolf by Samrakshini R

The Legend of Captain Fish Finger by Rufus W

The Silent Raider by Kiyan I

The Legendary Crew of Gold by Noah A

The Black Diamond's Revenge by Reagan E

Jane of Miss Merry Blackbeard Ship by Celeste BC
The Cornish Captain’s Story by Max L

Butter and Gurgles by Kai K

The Adventures of Grace, Coral and the Sea Wolf by Samrakshini R

The Legend of Captain Fish Finger by Rufus W

The Silent Raider by Kiyan I

The Legendary Crew of Gold by Noah A

The Black Diamond's Revenge by Reagan E

Jane of Miss Merry Blackbeard Ship by Celeste BC







The Locket

Many years ago, a tiny bundle was abandoned by the dockside. With this bundle was left a jewel-encrusted locket with a miniature of a beautiful lady inside. 

That very night, a ghostly ship slipped into the bay and a small row boat silently pulled alongside the pontoon. The first to disembark was a tall, willowy figure, dressed in a billowing black cloak. He wore a three point hat upon his head, a flintlock in his belt and a vicious look upon his face. Then five more men scrambled from the vessel, their shining cutlasses glinting in the moonlight.

Their intention was to steal from the wealthy merchants who lived in the grand houses on the edge of town. The pirating business was not what it used to be. Ships were better protected and hidden treasure was scarce. The captain and his crew missed the plundering and pillaging of the past and had decided to deploy their talents onshore.
With the captain leading the way and the men following behind like loyal ducklings, they attempted to slip into town unnoticed. Unfortunately they stumbled, tripped and swayed like drunkards, as their sea legs rendered them incapable of the silent entrance they required. 
‘Be quiet you mangey lot,’ hissed their leader. ‘Do you want to wake up the whole town?’ 

Just then, a piercing shriek broke through the night. The group stopped in their tracks and winced. 

‘What in the King of Spain's name is THAT?’ exclaimed the captain.

They all looked towards the source of the racket and their eyes fell upon a bundle beside a barrel. ‘Well what are you waiting for? Find out what it is and shut it up before it gets us all killed!’

With the captain leading the way and the men following behind like loyal ducklings, they attempted to slip into town unnoticed. Unfortunately they stumbled, tripped and swayed like drunkards, as their sea legs rendered them incapable of the silent entrance they required. 
‘Be quiet you mangey lot,’ hissed their leader. ‘Do you want to wake up the whole town?’ 

Just then, a piercing shriek broke through the night. The group stopped in their tracks and winced. 

‘What in the King of Spain's name is THAT?’ exclaimed the captain.

They all looked towards the source of the racket and their eyes fell upon a bundle beside a barrel. ‘Well what are you waiting for? Find out what it is and shut it up before it gets us all killed!’

As one, the group cautiously crept up to the bundle and stepped back in unison when they saw a baby wrapped in a blanket screaming and beetroot with anger. The captain grabbed the baby and was about to throw it into the bay when a glittering object caught his eye. Around the baby’s neck was a delicate gold chain and from it hung an elaborately decorated locket, encrusted with precious stones. 

‘Well, well,’ said the Captain. ‘What have we here lads? Whoever dumped this shrieking thing here must have more treasure where this came from.’ He opened the locket and stared at the image within it. He realised at once that it was the daughter of his arch enemy who stared back at him, and a plan formed instantly. With that, he tucked the bundle in his cloak and headed back to the rowboat, with his crew following unsteadily behind.

By Sid
How Not to Find Treasure
By James

The one good eye of Captain Black Eye Jack was scanning the sea for any incoming vessels from the bow of the well known, and widely feared Bloody Revenge (the name really is suitable). The lookout yelled down from the crow’s nest ‘Land ahoy!’ Black Eye Jack’s heart leapt; could this be the island all pirates knew about, could it really be Treasure Island?

Black Eye Jack immediately took complete control of the crew, “Everyone to your positions!” he commanded. The Bloody Revenge made a beeline for the island, which was barren, apart from a clump of coconut trees. This is exactly as everyone described it, this must be the place us pirates have searched for centuries, and I’m the one to find it! Black Eye Jack could barely suppress the whoop for joy that was spreading through him like wildfire.
How Not to Find Treasure
By James

The one good eye of Captain Black Eye Jack was scanning the sea for any incoming vessels from the bow of the well known, and widely feared Bloody Revenge (the name really is suitable). The lookout yelled down from the crow’s nest ‘Land ahoy!’ Black Eye Jack’s heart leapt; could this be the island all pirates knew about, could it really be Treasure Island?

Black Eye Jack immediately took complete control of the crew, “Everyone to your positions!” he commanded. The Bloody Revenge made a beeline for the island, which was barren, apart from a clump of coconut trees. This is exactly as everyone described it, this must be the place us pirates have searched for centuries, and I’m the one to find it! Black Eye Jack could barely suppress the whoop for joy that was spreading through him like wildfire.
Suddenly, out of the fog came a terrifying ship, five times the size of the Bloody Revenge, and ten times the scariness. It was covered from stern to bow with jet black cannons. Immediately the five canons on the Bloody Revenge started shooting as quick as lightning. The only thing the people on the two boats could hear were the rapid firing of the canons. Soon the other ship started to sink, due to massive holes in the bottom sides of the boat. Soon, all you could see of the ship was the very tip of the mast. One last celebratory cannon fire to show the ship’s enthusiasm in conquering the other. 

When the ship bumped on the soft sand of the island, Black Eye Jack was the first to jump off his beloved ship. That night the pirates celebrated in being able to find the island that was thought to have sunk long long ago. They had a delicious looking feast. Their drinks of sweet cold coconut water, and the fish they caught, were mouthwatering just to look at. That night Black Eye Jack was as happy as he ever would be in his life. Watching his crew dancing around the blazing fire, he was at peace with the world.
Swinging lazily from his hammock, he gazed into the fire, not having to worry about anything.

The next day, Black Eye Jack sat bolt upright in his hammock, just remembering the fun he would have today. As he got out of his hammock to wake his crew, exhilaration coursed through his veins. However when the crew had been searching for the treasure for hours and they still had no leads, his good spirits dimmed a bit. Then he had a perfect idea, he laughed, and slapped himself on the forehead. Why hadn’t he thought of it before? The crew looked curiously at him. “We need our spades,” he said. Finally, after another couple of hours searching, the lookout hit a wooden trapdoor! The cry went out and soon the whole ship's crew were standing over the trapdoor. Then Black Eye Jack managed to wrench the trapdoor open with his metal hook. Immediately the whole crew threw themselves down the hole. 

The people at the bottom of the pile had sprained ankles, broken wrists and fractured shoulders. So that meant that the crew had lost