Book Creator

The suns way

by Ethan Polloreno and micah miralle

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

 the setting takes place in space and it is the year 2030. The sun is floating through space and comes across a group of planets. When suddenly…
Floating through space the sun the brightest planet in the galaxy is looked at by many planets like looking at a disco ball  

¨ look at his brightness¨ the moon exclaims

All the other planets come to agreement that he’s really cool
One brave planet decides to take his chance.

¨hey sun do you think i could have one pinch of your brightness¨ the planet pleads

"No! its my brightness." says the Sun.

All the other planets are confused on why he’s so mean. And all the planets float away leaving the sun alone.

¨why did they leave¨ says the sun 

now the sun being avoided by all the other planets and does not understand why. So he goes home and thinks very much but still doesn’t know the answer. His voice erups like a volcano.

That’s the least of shouting to come.