Book Creator

war between aliens and humans

by Simeon Braxton


war between aliens and humans
by Simeon B
by Simeon B
2072 In a galaxy far far away legends has been talking about it in a land of space. there are two mystery planets that no one could find so a group of scientists went to complete the mission. We were driving the h2f 99 ship. It was the best ship to find planets. They found the moon with it.
Monday june 12.6.2072
It all started when we were down on earth we were watching brodie doing the sport suddenly...
Breaking news.  People discover new cave as they explored it they seen agent writing. On the walls but this wasn't any regular wiring on the cave there were two mystery. Planets they were planets no one has seen before. they got astronaut and scientist to come in to see the writing even they could not recognize it i walk out of my lab because … i got a phone call it was the 7 astronaut they said could you possibly come to space and help us find these two planets i ask my roommates they were up for it

                                                          Chapter 2
                                                          Take off
Tuesday June 22.6.2072

Two weeks after the phone call we got another phone call saying tomorrow at 9.00 come to Nasser and we will get your gear ready. We will freeze dry the food tonight for snacks and get the guns too just incase there are aliens. The next morning we got our gear. We drove to Nasser and we got our gear ready. When we were walking into the ship the alarms went off to say there is going to be a rocket about to be taking off in a minute. As were upside down I was hoping we will be back on earth. The guns were in the cupboard and the food was in freezer. We let go of the flight systems. I looked out the window. I saw them blow up. Doc said "hey look! earth looks like a big blue berry." The driver said "yeah it does aye". As I was pooping myself I was hoping we will be there in a couple minutes.    
  Chapter 3
Wednesday june 23.9.2072       the landing

“ Thud boom crash bang we must of landed. Few as i was wiping my forehead the door opened i was looking around seeing if there was any aliens i walked on to the soft hard ground there was a strange piece of metal on the ground it was off another ship that probably tried to land here one time. Doc said here think fast as he thow a gun to me this planet was strange because it was soft but hard like oblick. When you punch it goes soiled or just lay your fingers in they sink in it. I was stomping because i did not want to sink in.
bye for now​
this story is about aleins and humans at war it got a lot of action by the writer bye simeon braxton