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Diplodocus by: Andie and Gwyn

by Anderson Bristol

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By Andie and Gwyn
Sega/Rodolico - Grade 2
The Diplodocus has long neck and tail. It was 90 feet tall. It walked on 4 thick legs and had a row of small scales on its back.
The Diplodocus teeth are shaped liked pencils. It stripped leaves off plants near the ground.
The Diplodocus traveled in herds. It used its whip-like tail to defend itself.
The Diplodocus lived in the western USA. It lived in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming.
Interesting Facts
Fact 1 The Diplodocus did not lay eggs in nests. Fact 2 It layed eggs on the ground as it walked.
My Resources

Pebblego Animal Database

Enchanted Learning