Book Creator

PCS Tuesday Tech Talks

by Laura Bradley

Pages 70 and 71 of 139

TurnItIn has also added AI detection, which is built into their similarity tool. While the accuracy of AI detection continues to fluctuate with the rapid development of AI sites, the TurnItIn AI detection “has been independently shown to have high effectiveness in correctly identifying AI-generated content, when compared to other commercially available detectors” ( More than simply catching students plagiarizing, TurnItIn aims to help us build a culture of academic honesty. Click the image below to learn more about it:
Our district license for TurnItIn includes training for staff, so keep an eye out for our first training date. In the meantime, check out this Instructor Resource Pack and playlist of TurnItIn tutorials
-October 24, 2023
OctoStudio: New iPad Coding App
What better place to be on Halloween than coding games with 4th graders with a brand new app? Thanks to M.I.T.'s Lifelong Kindergarten (creators of Scratch), we now have a coding app designed for mobile devices, which is great for students who use iPads. Once students have downloaded the app, they are able to work with it offline. No internet or network data is needed.

This month every 4th grade class in our district is piloting the OctoStudio app. They are learning some basics of coding as they program Halloween games that include a scorekeeper (variable), locations (x and y axis) and sound effects (the fun part!) when points are scored. You can see students testing their games here: