Book Creator

The Be You! Project

by Cari Wilson and Darcy McNee

Pages 4 and 5 of 10

Lesson Two - Be Adventurous!

RESOURCES: The Apple Teacher Keynote resources

PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: Some knowledge of how to use Keynote is helpful but not necessary.
1. Begin by talking about what it means to be adventurous. Try to highlight the fact that people’s definitions of what is adventurous can be quite different.

2. Have students work in small groups to discuss things they did during the summer that were adventurous. If they are struggling with the concept, give them some examples and once they start to get the idea, encourage students to contribute their ideas.

3. Now have each student brainstorm their own list of three adventurous things they did during the summer. If your students are old enough to understand the idea of “icons” have them also think about an icon that could represent each adventurous thing they did. If they are too young, this will require another discussion!

4. Once students have decided on their ideas and perhaps thought of icons to represent their adventures, you’re ready to dive into Keynote and the Motion Path. Use the information in the video tutorial on this page as well as information from the Apple Teacher website to help teach yourself and your students how to use Motion Path to show how adventurous their summers were!
Lesson Three - Be Kind!

RESOURCES: How to Use Voice Memo, Everyone Can Create Music

Darcy show us lots of ways we could use the not-so-well-known tool, Voice Memo, in educational settings.

- The main one that connects to the book is using Voice Memo to record and kind oral note to someone special, telling them why they are special and what you appreciate about them.
- Another way this could be used at the beginning of the year is for one student to record their interview with another student in the class and then present it as a way of getting to know them.

Other great ideas for Voice Memo:
* Recording soundscapes and using them as writing prompts
* Have students record their thoughts as a pre-writing exercise
* Record students oral reading and keep as a form of assessment
* Use Voice Memo as a way for students to talk about something important to their family our culture

If you’re really feeling brave, check out the resources on Garageband and learn how to layer on sound effects and music! Wow!