Book Creator

Jobs in the tourism industry - 4.g

by Jelena Kovačević


Jobs in the tourism industry
Create a page about one job in the tourism industry.
1) Write the job title.
2) Write which sector the job belongs to.

2) Write about the person's duties and responsibilities at work.
3) Write about the dos and don'ts related to the job you chose.
4) Find a copyright free image and use it as illustration of the job.
5) Write about whether you would or would not like to do this job and why.
(accommodation, food and beverage, attractions, recreation and entertainment, events and conferences, transportation, travel planning services, tourism services)
- Each job title can be described only once. Check what other students have written about.
- You can design your page of the book however you want. Be creative.
- Be careful not to delete other students' work.
- Remember to sign your page.
Petar Petrić

Thought Bubble
tour guide  is a person who provides assistance, information on cultural, historical and contemporary heritage to people on organized sightseeing and individual clients at educational establishments, religious and historical sites such as: museums, and at various tourist attraction resorts.
A tour guide should be a communicative and a social person. He should also have vast knoledge obout the subject he is "guiding". Tours guides should also speak more than one language.
I think i would be a decent tour guide if given enough time.
Marta Rumenović
This job seems really exhausting but I think I would be decent at it. But I do not see myself working as a bellboy.
Paulina Blažanin
tourism services
mediates in providing services to hotel guests
his main job is communicating with people
makes reservations and checks guests in and out
I think that I would be good in this job because I am going in high school for hotelier and touristic tehnician and I am very communicative person and I am really interested to work in hotel
desirable traits in this job are resourecfulness, communicativeness and kindness
Tena Matoković Brižić