Book Creator

Traditional games

by etwinning project "Traditional games"

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Traditional Games
   is an European etwinning Project where schools from Portugal, Spain and Turkey shared experiences about traditional games.
Some subject as: forein language (English), Phisical Education, Arts and ICT take part in the project idea. We have use English as communication language and our students were aged between 12 and 16.
Our main objetives in this Project was:
       - Improve and practice foreign language.
       - Improve ICT skills. International collaborative work.
       - Improve the school internationalization.
       - Give continuity to this kind of activities in the school next years.
In this projects pupils have developed the following competences:
       - Linguistic Communication (English)
       - Mathematical and Technological competences.
       - Digital Competence
       - Initiative and Entrepreneurial Spirit
       - Learning to Learn
       - Social and Civic Competencies
       - Cultural Expressions and Awareness
Before start the Project we worked the following challenges:
       - Legal concerns: illegally sharing personal data, stealing financial information
       - Environmental concerns: use of materials in a proper way of recycling and despising them.
       - Equity in Computer Science.
       - Equity in accessing information: working in the schools and at home.
       - Intellectual property issues.
       - Creative commonds
Teachers have worked with students as mentors or guide in project activities. The work developed in this Project has been done with creativity and collaboration among the schools educational communities.

The collaboration among teachers took place mainly through teachers emails.
Once we had our twinspace, we could use its communication tools (chat, forum, ...)

We have developed the activities timetible plan below:
1st: Nov. Participants introduction.
2nd : Nov. Locate our school in a map.
3rd: Dec. Christmas carols.
4th: Dec./Jan. Project LOGO championship.
5th: Jan. Traditional games. (Phisical Education).
6th: Feb-Mar. Stained paper window (Arts).
7th: Feb-Mar. Logic maths (Maths).
8th: Mar-Apr. Magic maths (Maths).
9th: Apr-May. FINAL PRODUCTS: ebook
10th: Evaluation & difussion.

Authors rights:
Each school created pupil´s parents authorisation to show their images.
We puplish some web pages were students could take images and music free.
Additionaly we shared and shared information about:
·      eTwinning code of conduct
·      NetEtiquete: 
·      Creative Commons