Book Creator

Casey Bakes a Cake

by Diana Beason


Casey Bakes a Cake
By: Diana Beason
This book covers the second grade standard
S2P1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the properties of matter and changes that occur in objects.

Provide evidence from observations to construct an explanation that some changes in matter
caused by heating or cooling can be reversed and some changes are irreversible. (Clarification statement: Changes in matter could include heating or freezing of water, baking a cake, boiling an egg.)
"Today, we will be baking a cake!" said Casey's teacher.

The whole class roared with excitement.

Casey could barely believe her ears. "We're baking a cake in class?!" Casey asked her teacher.

"You can learn some important things by baking a cake," Said the teacher.

She was still confused, but she decided not to question further. The class lined up and went to the cafeteria so they could use the ovens.
First the teacher, Mrs. Jackson, went over some safety rules.
1. Do not try to bake a cake at home without your parent's help.
2. Do not touch the oven, and always ask if a pan is hot before touching it.
3. Do not touch the cake or the ingredients with your hands, so we can all have a piece once the cake is baked.
4. Have fun!
"Now everyone get in your groups, and go to a table where your ingredients and tools are already laid out. Don't touch anything yet!" Said Mrs. Jackson.

"Now that you're at your tables you may open the box of cake mix and use your scissors to cut open the bag. Then pour it into the bowl." Mrs. Jackson said.
Next Mrs. Jackson told the class to add their other ingredients (Water, 3 eggs, and vegetable oil). The students all measured out their ingredients carefully. Casey could almost taste the cake in her mouth, but she still didn't understand why their teacher would have them bake a cake for class. "She probably just needs cakes for something and is getting us to help make them," Said Casey's friend Taylor jokingly. Casey didn't believe that for a second. She knew there was something they were supposed to be learning, and she was determined to figure it out. "Now pick up your wisks and stir it all together really well," said Mrs. Jackson.
Mrs. Jackson then told the class to pour their cake batter into the pans. Casey poured her cake. As Casey was pouring the batter, she stopped mid-pour. Her eyes lit up and she raised her hand waving it in the air and jumping up and down. "I know why we are baking cakes!" said Casey. "What are you thinking Casey?" asked Mrs. Jackson. Casey replies, "We have been learning about the states of matter, you know solids liquids and gases. I think it must have something to do with that!". "Awesome thinking Casey," replied Mrs. Jackson "you're on the right track, so keep thinking." Casey was puzzled since she was sure she was right. She finished pouring the cake into the pan and continued to think.