Book Creator


by Rowan Webster

Pages 2 and 3 of 6

by Rowan
"Rrrrrrrrr here's the trail," stated Jack. Jack and his father went hiking in the woods by a lake. He was a bit nervous. He was at a path in the summer and they got there on the bus. Mom went to her job making toys.
"Where is dad," announced Jack. Splash! There was fog ahead. Jack was looking at the wet ground. The path turned. Jack did not notice. 8 minutes later he looked up. No path... no dad just fog ahead. Jack was breathing hard especially in the the middle of the woods in the fog.
"Sigh, I have find dad," declared Jack. Jack dashed. He decided to run run run run! The wind blew in his face... his knees were shaking! He did not run this fast before. Zing! Then he saw something familiar. He began to be happy. He tripped and realized he's been running in circles.The path was nowhere in site.
Jack got a new idea. He was going to get a clear view by climbing the maple tree. But the third branch...broke. He fell on his back. The branch fell and landed beside him and split in two. He began to think sad thoughts.
'I've got it!" mention Jack. Jack got up and thought and thought. He finally got a idea. He took a big breath and...yelled. Then dad came. They found each other. Jack promised to pay attention. Jack had a smiling face. Splish splash! He was so happy.

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