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A short guide to the F-NDQ

by Emma Grierson



A short guide to the

For Parents and Carers
(Fife Neurodevelopmental Questionnaire )
January 2023
When your child is referred for neurodevelopmental assessment, we need to gather information from your child, you as parents/carers, school staff and any other professionals who may be working with your child and family.

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What is the F-NDQ?
To get the best information and to understand your concerns about your child, we use the Fife Neurodevelopmental Questionnaire (F-NDQ)(NHS Fife 2020). It is a questionnaire that we ask parents to complete. 

This is important in our assessment as it helps us to have a clear understanding of your child’s development, how they experience their world (at home, at school and in the local community) and how they manage relationships.
How long will the F-NDQ take to complete?
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The F-NDQ is a long questionnaire, so please allow 1-2 hours to complete it. You do not need to answer it in one go. It takes a while but the more information you can give, then helps us to understand what is needed for your child. You can ask a partner, grandparent, relative or friend to help you think about your answers.
Please know that once the questionnaire is finished, it will be stored confidentially on your child’s health records. This will allow only health professionals working with you and your child to read this questionnaire and you will not be asked to do the questionnaire again.
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Where do I get the F-NDQ?
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The questionnaire can be sent to you in a digital format, via email, or if you would prefer we can send out a paper version. We would ask that you try to return this questionnaire within 3 weeks of receiving it.

Tips when filling out the F-NDQ

We are aware that some children may be care experienced so information about prenatal history and early life experiences can be difficult to get. It is also recognised that filling in answers to some questions can be emotional as a parent/carer. The professionals reading this do understand and want to identify the best way forward in their assessment and support.
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The F-NDQ covers lots of different areas. Please try and give as much information as possible.
Your concerns

Family history

Pregnancy and Birth

Medical history

Educational history


Your child’s relationships

Difficult life events

General development

Motor development/
Sensory reactions

Communication and Language

Activity and Impulsivity


Social Interaction/Interest in other Children




Funny Spells/Absences

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You may not know all the answers to the questions.

The F-NDQ questionnaire, (2020:p2) states:

·       If you don’t know an answer – please write  Don’t know or DK for short.

·       If you aren’t sure add a question mark to show it is a best guess (e.g. “5months?”).

·       Some questions may not apply to your child. This is ok, just put not applicable or N/A.

If you have questions, please ask the health professional who is sending you the FNDQ.