Book Creator

The Possessed Teacher

by Chevelle Martis

Pages 4 and 5 of 17

We arrived at the house, Chevelle unlocked the door and we all ran inside. We all sat down to catch our breath. All of a sudden the house started shaking. We all ran outside and discovered Mrs Puke was under the house kicking out the foundations. The house sunk into the ground and she came out. We all started running.
We don't know why but we ran to Mrs Puke's house.

Night started to fall, as we finally made it to her house, her daughter Hilary was there. We all started telling her that her mother was possessed and was chasing us with a knife and had sunk my house. Suddenly Mrs Puke appeared, she came  in the door, with such force she knocked the door down.
 As soon as she saw Hilary she stopped and just stood there for a while looking at her daughter. She looked different. All these feelings came rushing back to Mrs Puke, she started crying knowing that her daughter Hilary was at her house.
Somehow Mrs Puke became unpossessed and Chevelle’s house was rebuilt. Rm 10 will never forget the day their teacher was possessed.
