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Hernan Cortes

by Matthew Tharp

Pages 4 and 5 of 7

Hernan Cortes
Why are they doing this to us?!?!
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After Columbus's voyages, the Spanish quickly colonized the islands. They didn't find the Asian spices they wanted, but they found gold. They quickly enslaved the Native inhabitants and forced them to mine for it.
I can't wait to land in Mexico and take all of the Aztec gold for myself!
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In 1519, Hernan Cortes sailed from Cuba to the coast of Mexico to trade with the wealthy Aztec Empire. However, he didn't want to trade with them; he wanted to conquer them.
What's up my guy? Wanna help me defeat the Aztecs?
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Bet, say less!
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When he landed in Mexico, he made an alliance with the Tlaxcala people. The Tlaxcala people didn't like the Aztecs and wanted to help Cortes defeat them.
Hey, y'all should let us come in.
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Anything for you Quetzalcoatl!
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Cortes was welcomed into the Aztec capital by Emperor Moctemuza II, who thought he was the God Quetzalcoatl.
So now that Moctezuma II is gone, let's get all the gold and glory we came here for!
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Gold, gold, gold!
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Gold, gold, gold!
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Cortes overthrew Emperor Moctezuma II and took control of the Aztec Empire.
So listen. Thanks for all your help defeating the Aztecs and all that. But you better go join the rest of the natives mining for gold.
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Say what?!?
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He enslaved the Aztec and other native peoples, looted and destroyed the Aztec capital, and built Mexico City on top of its ruins. The conquest of the Aztec Empire gave Spain a foothold from which they could expand their empire into North and South America.

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