Book Creator

Tiger Lily

by Emilia Kuhns

Pages 2 and 3 of 77

Tiger Lily
Emilia Kuhns
Chapter 1
Tiger Lily walked out the door of the three-roomed cottage absent-mindedly. Closing her eyes, Tiger Lily concentrated on the forest. For five minutes, she stayed like that. Then, she began to run toward the lake. Tiger Lily knew that Kaylie would be there waiting for her. She looked at her reflection in the lake. Her orange fur was streaked with thin black lines and white fur stuck out from her cheeks. Her tail swished behind her, stirring up red, orange, and gold leaves. There was a movement from across the lake. Leaves floated through the air; Kaylie was waiting.
As Tiger Lily ran quickly to the shade of a large tree, she heard Kaylie running toward her. After Kaylie had settled down, Tiger Lily shook herself and sat down, crossing her legs. Tiger Lily wasn’t always a tiger. “So, where are we going today?” Tiger Lily asked Kaylie.
“I was thinking we could go to the meadow and visit Ana.” said Kaylie. “Good idea,” replied Tiger Lily. “Let’s go!” Tiger Lily transformed, and she and Kaylie ran to the meadow where Ana lived.

  When Tiger Lily and Kaylie reached the meadow, they saw Ana come out from her cave. “Mom, I know! I’ll be right back!” called Ana. Ana’s mother had a large leaf wrapped around something in her mouth. When Ana caught sight of Tiger Lily and Kaylie, she dashed into the cave and back out again, running over to Tiger Lilly and Kaylie. “Ten minutes,” Ana panted. “To play with you.” When Ana could breathe normally again, Kaylie jumped into questions. “What’s in the leaves? Why does Thalia want you inside so bad? Are you going somewhere? Why does your cave look so dull?” Kaylie was desperate for answers. “Food and belongings, to help pack food and belongings, yes,  because we’re moving.” Ana answered. “Where?” Tiger Lily prompted. “To one of the empty caves beside the lake.” Ana said. “Rumor is, there are poachers in the area, and Mom’s gone berserk.”                     
 Suddenly, a tall man grabbed Kaylie and attempted a go at Ana, but she shook him away and bolted. Tiger Lily was a human, so he made no attempt at her. Then, with one purely evil grin, he ran off, and Kaylie was gone, probably forever. Tiger Lily didn’t care suddenly that she was in front of Ana, Ana’s mother, and about five other tigers. She fell to the ground and cried for what seemed to be forever for her best friend.
Chapter Two
Tiger Lily’s mother, Ariana, knocked gently on the door to Tiger Lily’s room. “Go away, I don’t want to talk to you.” Ariana sighed and walked into the kitchen. She shook her head. Her husband, Matthew, hit his forehead. Ten minutes later, Tiger Lily walked in. Her eyes were red; she’d obviously cried herself to sleep. Her parents wanted to comfort her, but they knew this situation was better left untouched. “Why don’t you go see Ana, she might like a hand carrying those packages.” Matthew suggested, changing the horrible subject. Tiger Lily nodded, and went outside. She transformed, and went to Ana’s cave. 
Carrying packages was boring, Kaylie normally made everything fun, but she was gone. Ana was tense, and just as upset about Kaylie as Tiger Lily was.
Finally the last package was in the new cage, but
Thalia wanted Tiger Lily to help set up the cave. When that was done, Thalia insisted upon Tiger Lily staying for dinner. Tiger Lily wasn’t a big fan of this. It was an uncomfortable place; Ana shifted every minute, and Thalia had an artificial grin on. Tiger Lily was just not the same, fiery, energetic tiger that she’d been just over twenty four hours ago.
  It was dark when Tiger Lily got home. She mumbled a goodnight to her parents and sulked into her room. Laying in bed, she thought about the day. It was the most lonesome day ever.  Tiger Lily turned in bed and her eyes fell on a framed photo
of her and Kaylie. She picked it up.
 “I miss you.” she said,  and began to cry again. Ariana and Matthew, who lay sleepless in their own rooms next door, listened to their daughter until they and Tiger Lily fell asleep.