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All About Giraffes

by Briella


All About Giraffes
By Briella
What has a long neck, and long legs, and has spots? Give up? It's a giraffe. You should read this book to find out more about giraffes. You will learn how tall giraffes are,what they eat, and about their long tongues.
How Tall Are Giraffes?
Giraffes can be 15-20 feet tall! A giraffes neck is 6 feet tall. Giraffes legs are also 6 feet long.
What do giraffes eat?
Giraffes eat leaves, twigs, and wild apricot trees. Giraffes sometimes eats fruit. Giraffes grass diet is very low on the ground.
Long tongues!
Giraffes tongues can be 18-20 inches. A giraffes tongue can be blue,black,or purple. Giraffes can lick their ears.
I hope you liked my book and the facts.