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Green Iguanas

by London

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Green Iguanas
By London
What has scaly skin with sharp teeth and lives in the rain forest? Give up? It is a green iguana.
Home Sweet Home
Green iguanas live in the rain forest.You can find green iguanas in Northern Mexico, Central America, and in the Caribbean rainforest.
Can you see me?
Did you know that green iguanas can grow up to 6 feet. Another thing is they look clumsy but they are really fast with sharp tails,sharp teeth and scaly skin.
A lazy green iguana
Did you know that we shed our skin?
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Meal Time
Green iguanas chomp on all kinds of things.I will tell you some.They will eat mustard, dandelion greens,squash,green peas, green beans and bell peppers.
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Two green iguanas eating
Did you know that green iguanas spend 45-60 minutes a day eating? And they can fall 40-50 feet with out getting hurt!! And they can also have 70 babies a season.Also they have 120 teeth. Another thing is they have 300 bones!!!!!!!!!
Green iguanas are camouflage so their enemies can not see them.
Now sense you read this book you are a expert about green iguanas.Hope you liked my book.See you next time.
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