Book Creator

Happy Book’s Day 2022

by 2nd Bachillerato A


Happy Book’s Day 2022
An anthology of amazing short stories
written by 2nd Bachillerato A
(IES Santiago Grisolía)
IES Santiago Grisolía
Camino Los Estudiantes s/n
03360 Callosa de Segura
This audiobook is an anthology of short stories written by students of 2nd Bachillerato A in their last year of high school (2021-2022). This is the result of a collaborative project carried out in the subject English as a foreign language to commemorate Book’s Day 2022.
Thanks to 2nd Bachillerato A students for making this literary anthology possible. Thank you for your work and for sharing your creativity and talent with us.
Carolina Amat Samper
English Secondary and Bachillerato Teacher
Student’s name:
Lucía Albero Serna

The demon of my mind
He wept grey tears in his anguish. All the crossings he traversed across have dissipated into nothing. His psyche is a vessel of brittleness. Throughout his tear-filled eyes, the crow's feather swirls; finding himself lost in a labyrinth, searching for a way to free himself from his scars.
Through his misdeeds, he creates more mysteries and mazes.

For him, the only truths he can uncover are those that reside inside of him, and the Demon inside him does not want him to uncover them. By looking into his own mirror, he can see his nemesis before his eyes, the affliction that keeps him from the true meaning of his existence: himself and the subconscious he is governed by. The battle is between him and himself.
Rounded Rectangle
Student’s name:
Soraya Benyahia

The man at the bus stop
I remember it was a rainy night, I was at the stop waiting for the bus that I always took to get home. That day it took longer than usual but I still decided to wait. Suddenly he arrived, wet from head to toe and agitated because he had run a lot to get to the bus stop. We looked at each other and we smiled, in that glance I felt a special connection. The bus arrived and we got on, each one getting off at our destination. The next day at the same time he arrived at the bus stop agitated again and this was repeated during the next two months. Little by little, we started to meet and that connection was growing more and more until I started to feel something for him.
One windy day, there were many papers flying and one got stuck on my chest. When I picked it up and read it, it was an obituary and he was on it, the boy I was talking to for several months. He had died at that bus stop due to a car accident 100 years ago. I had been talking to a ghost the whole time...
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Student’s name:
Houda El Kholti

Haunted house
This was a family that had bought a house in the countryside.
They were living there for 2 months when one night they heard very strange noises. The man decided to go to see where those noises came from. However, he didn’t find out anything.
This continued happening for more days. 
One day they asked a man who was always sitting near the house if he knew anything about that house. The man told them that rituals used to take place there and that the person who entered there, would never return. The couple went back home scared, they decided to go down to the basement and they got a surprise, they found human remains. They ran away, but they couldn't leave the house. These was something written on the wall: “There is no escape
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