Book Creator

Christopher Columbus

by Sunny Townsend

Pages 2 and 3 of 29

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Christopher Columbus stood at the big wheel of the Santa Maria, gazing out at the endless ocean before him. It had been months since he set sail from Spain, eager to find a new trade route to the riches of the East Indies. He had been through big storms, and through his sick moments, but now he felt closer than ever to his goal.
Finally, on October 12th, 1492, after months of sailing, Columbus spotted land! He, and his crew had reached the New World, a place never before seen by European eyes. He named the island San Salvador, and was filled with a sense of wonder and awe at the strange new land he had discovered. Columbus’s desire to find a trade rout to the East Indies, was kind of like a cause and the consequence to that was him and his crew mistreating and enslaving the Indiginous.
Finally, on October 12th, 1492, after months of sailing, Columbus spotted land! He, and his crew had reached the New World, a place never before seen by European eyes. He named the island San Salvador, and was filled with a sense of wonder and awe at the strange new land he had discovered. Columbus’s desire to find a trade rout to the East Indies, was kind of like a cause and the consequence to that was him and his crew mistreating and enslaving the Indiginous.