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Middle Colonies

by Sabrina L


Middle Colonies
A safe place to stay
By Sabrina L 5F
Reason for founding
. Where quakers could live peacefully
. British birthday present
If you are a Quaker, this is the place for you. You wont get picked on and no one will ever judge you again
Do you love when you get something “ Fair and square”. Well come on over. The middle colonies were claimed by the British because of war. Now it belongs to the English
In the middle colonies, its not to hot or not to cold, its just right. Here you have warm summers and cold winters. Also, you can grow a lot of crops because there are long growing seasons. Also, there are deep harbors , and valleys
Do you want to make money? I am not talking about twenty five dollars, I’m talking millions! Come to the middle colonies to make a bunch of money. How you many ask? You can farm sell tobacco, and vegetables . You can also do mining and grab some iron for the road.
Do you want you or your kids to have good education? Well come on over to the middle colonies. The middle colonies has many school such as Harvard . Harvard is an Ivy League school. It was actually one of the first schools built in the middle colonies.
Do you want to be like the southern colonies where they put their people in danger, or be like New England where there are long cold winters. Well then come here to the middle. Here, we accept all religions and we have hot summers. We also have long growing seasons unlike the other colonies