Book Creator

Course Selection

by Jill LaPlante

Pages 2 and 3 of 17

ARHS Course Selection for
Course Selection
This book was created to assist you with planning your academic program for the 2022-2023 school year.

Students and parents should consider ability, interests, future career paths, and graduation requirements as part of the course selection process.

Many of our departments have created documents or videos to showcase the programs we offer. Click on the links to learn more about the courses and programs.
Scheduling Timeline
February 4- All teachers have entered course recommendations

February-March- Counselors meet with students for academic advising

February 15-25- Students independently enter course choices via PowerSchool

February 23- March 4- Parent approve requests via forms in PowerSchool.

March 4- deadline for parent waivers

April- Administration to build master schedule

May 25- release limited information schedules to students

Last day of school- deadline to make any corrections to errors in the schedule

mid-August- Final Schedules released to students
Which courses can I take?
Refer to these course selection sheets for a comprehensive list of courses available to you. Be sure to reference the Program of Studies for more detailed information on each course.
Course Selection Sheets
Directions on entering course requests
Which courses should I take?
Four Year Planning Sheets
Use the sheets below to plan out the courses you will take over the four years and keep track of your graduation requirements.
Tour of ARHS
If you are new to ARHS, get to know the important areas in our school building.

Click on the image below to get a tour of our building from the National Honor Society students
Program of Studies
Our Program of Studies contains detailed information for all courses offered at Amity Regional High School. It also contains other important information including: our core values and beliefs, learning expectations, graduation requirements, NCAA information, and information about other special programs.
Click on the image to access the Program of Studies for the 2022-2023 school year.
Career and Technical Education Department