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The Cat In The Hat; Welcome to Pre-K

by Cynthia Judice

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The Cat In The Hat
Welcomes You To Pre-K
Cynthia Judice
Hi. I am the Cat in the Hat and I would like to welcome you to Our Lady of Fatima School. I bet you are as excited as I am about the new school year.
I am so happy that your parents have chosen such a great school. When you arrive on your first day, know that God is watching over all of us. As you enter the school, look up at Mary. She is smiling down on you. She knows how special you are and how much fun Pre-K will be.
This is your classroom. Behind these doors are some of the greatest moments of your first year in school. Do you want to take a look inside? Ok. Let's go in.
Come on in. I'll show you around. This has been my classroom with Mrs. Judice and Mrs. Melissa for many years. I've watched boys and girls just like you make new friends, play games, sing songs, and learn so many new things.
Let me introduce you to some of my friends. This is Thing 2. He can get into trouble sometimes with his twin, Thing 1. But Mrs. Judice is outstanding at getting them to be good along with all of the students. She has a signal to get them quiet and ready to learn. And if they have a great day, they earn a sticker on their chart. After getting five stickers, you get to choose a surprise from the treasure chest! Isn't that great?
This is Horton. Horton can hear very tiny sounds. He is also great at keeping track of our jobs. Horton likes being responsible. Do you know how to be responsible? Every student will have a chance to be a helper and Mrs. Judice will tell you what your job is. We have Line Leaders, Cabooses, Morning Helper, and Prayer Leaders. You are going to love helping Mrs. Judice and Mrs. Melissa with these jobs around the class.
Fish, fish, fish.....he sits in a bowl and makes a wish! His wish is for children to learn new rules so they can do great things in Pre-K. Mrs. Judice is going to tell you all about the rules that keep us safe and happy.

Each boy and girl gets a fishbowl to help learn the rules. Everyone knows fish must stay in the water so we are going to learn how to keep our fish in the bowl when we follow the rules.