Book Creator

Upskill With LiL - University of Cumbria

by Meer, Sebastian (Dan)

Pages 4 and 5 of 29

About Linkedin Learning
Activating Your Account
The Linkedin Learning library of 10,000+ digital courses are taught by industry experts and cover a wide range of business, creative and technical topics, from leadership “soft skills” to design principles to programming. They’re always evolving the library, adding at least 25 courses a week, and teaching the leading-edge skills you need to stay current.

How you learn
The courses are video based and are broken down into bite sized chunks, so you can watch a short video now and continue next time you're free.

Most courses include pop quiz style questions at the end of each main section to verify your understanding.

You can learn with Linkedin Learning on PC, laptop, tablet and smartphone. Learn from work, from home and on the go.

Evidence of learning
For every course that you complete, you will receive a certificate. Not only will you be gaining new skills or polishing existing skills, but you will also be able to easily evidence your learning and include the certificates in your next PPDR document.

Getting started
We have an account for every member of staff and for all of our students, but before you can get started with your learning you must activate your Linkedin Learning license.
The first time you visit Linkedin Learning, you will be taken to a University of Cumbria login page. Use your normal network login on this page.

Linking accounts?
The next screen will prompt you to link your Learning account to your personal account. This is completely optional. It has the benefit of allowing you to post your achievements/certificates to your Linkedin profile, but does mean that you will need to login twice every time you visit Linkedin Learning (one login for Linkedin Learning and one for your account).

Job role?
Linkedin Learning will ask you for your Job Role. This is done to identify content that you might find interesting. It is optional.

You are next prompted to choose some skills. These are skills you already have or skills that you are interested in. Again, this is done to help the platform suggest content to you. You must choose at least one skill before continuing.

There are a couple more screens that include things like setting reminders if you don't visit Linkedin Learning for a minimum specified amount of time each week. These next screens are all optional.

A complete pictorial version of these instructions is available from:
Activating Your Account
The first time you visit Linkedin Learning, you will be taken to a University of Cumbria login page. Use your normal network login on this page.

Linking accounts?
The next screen will prompt you to link your Learning account to your personal account. This is completely optional. It has the benefit of allowing you to post your achievements/certificates to your Linkedin profile, but does mean that you will need to login twice every time you visit Linkedin Learning (one login for Linkedin Learning and one for your account).

Job role?
Linkedin Learning will ask you for your Job Role. This is done to identify content that you might find interesting. It is optional.

You are next prompted to choose some skills. These are skills you already have or skills that you are interested in. Again, this is done to help the platform suggest content to you. You must choose at least one skill before continuing.

There are a couple more screens that include things like setting reminders if you don't visit Linkedin Learning for a minimum specified amount of time each week. These next screens are all optional.

A complete pictorial version of these instructions is available from: