Book Creator

The search for the best

by Zvonimirka Jovicic

Pages 2 and 3 of 46

Zvonimirka Jovicic has a master's degree in mathematics classroom teaching methodology. She has been working as a class teacher at the Elementary School "Mosa Pijade" in Zagubica, Serbia, for almost two decades. She has the title of pedagogical advisor. She is the winner of the award Best Educators of Serbia in 2015 and one of the winners of the national competition for the Global Teacher Prize. She is the author of the awarded works "Hour for Reputation", "Digital Hour", holder of a special award on the occasion of "Intelligence Day 2020" and winner of the award competition "Days of Intelligence - Stimulation of Intellectual Development" (2021). She is also the author of 27 papers in journals and publications and 44 examples of good practice in national databases. Presenter of 14 examples of good practice at professional gatherings and Science on Stage webinars, participant in the Science on Stage festival, member of the Institute for Contemporary Education, Science on Stage Serbia ambassador.
If you really think it's a problem
pollution less important than the economy,
try not to breathe while counting money.
Guy McPherson
"The Search for the Best Garden" is a project organized during April 2022 with ten-year-old students. The activity is interdisciplinary in nature and aimed to distinguish between favorable and less favorable conditions for farming.
The complex topic related to the environmental problems that humanity faces for ten-year-olds was presented through a series of experiments that they conducted, and based on the conclusions they reached, they gained knowledge about what a greenhouse is, how the greenhouse effect affects global warming, what salinization is and how it affects soil fertility, how soil enrichment can be increased slash and burn by using wood ash from burning wood (the area where the school is located is rich in forests and most households use wood for heating during the heating season).
The second part of the activity, in addition to the educational one, also had a creative character, and the goal was to find algorithms for the creative transformation of waste from the kitchen and classroom.