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Beginning School - Scavenger Hunt

by Lori Trumbauer

Pages 2 and 3 of 7

Beginning School Music
May 7, 2020
Hello there and welcome back! I hope you are having fun with our musical activities! Today we are going to do something different. Are you ready to see what it is?

First we have to sing our Hello Song. Should we do the Color Song?
Are you ready? Be sure you know what colors you are wearing!
Just click on the video and sing along!
They might be found inside your house
Well, are you ready to hear what we are going to do today?

We are going to go on a scavenger hunt!

Do you know what a scavenger hunt is? It is a hunt to find certain things.

They might be found outside
Our scavenger hunt will be a musical hunt. We are going to find things that make sounds, look like rhythm instruments and things that keep a steady beat!

Are you ready to get started?
Before we get started, let's see how much we remember about music.
Do you remember piano pig and forte frog? Piano pig likes soft sounds and Forte frog likes loud sounds.

I am going to play some sounds. Can you tell me if it is a loud sound - Forte or a soft sound- Piano. Listen carefully and see if you can tell if it is Forte or Piano. Ready?

Now let's try some low and high sounds. Do you think a bird chirping is a high or low sound?

If you said high sound, you are right.

What about a low sound? Maybe a lion roaring? Can you think of something else that makes a low sound?
Well, I think we are ready to get started on our scavenger hunt. Are you ready?

Here is the list of things to find on our hunt. Maybe your whole family can help you find all of the items listed for our hunt.
Find an object that makes a steady beat

Find something outside that makes a piano (quiet) sound

Find something inside that can be played like a drum

Find something that looks like a musical instrument

Find something outside that makes a forte (loud) sound

Find something that can make a high sound

Find something that can make a low sound

Find something that makes a rhythm pattern

Listen to the sounds outside and decide if it is piano-quiet or forte-loud

Find something that can be played like rhythm sticks
Did you have fun on your scavenger hunt? I can't wait to hear about your scavenger hunt!
Now it's time to do our Goodbye song. Sing along and do the motions!
Just click the icon on the video and sing along!
I would love to hear about your musical scavenger hunt. Please send me an email to tell me about it!

I am looking forward to our next musical adventure. Are you?

Bye and I miss you!