Book Creator


by Kate Murphy


Beebots and Bluebots!
by Kate Murphy
Why Beebots?
Beebots are a fun and interactive way of enhancing children's language, cognitive and dexterity skills.
As technology has become such a big part of schooling in recent years, it is important that children are competent digital learners
How does a Beebot work?
A Beebot is a clever way of integrating important subjects in the Primary Curriculum with digital learning.

For example, while using Beetbots, the students can create a sequence which interlinks with their mathematical learning and improves cognitive development
How can we use them in our teaching and learning?
Science can also be integrated into Digital Learning as you could set up 'trial and error' experiments such as this one where the Beebot is programmed by different students to reach different locations on the playmat.

This is an example of a Beebot either needing to be debugged or a student hasn't put in the correct desired code or sequence.
This is a video of a student coming up with a sequence/pattern (coding) for the Beebot to follow