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Snowfields Academy Survey Feedback

by Snowfields Academy

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Parent & Student Survey 2021/22
What you have said,
and what we're going to do
Dee's Message
"We all need people who will give us feedback, that's how we improve" - Bill Gates
I want to extend my sincere thanks to all of our students and families who have taken the time to complete the Parent and Student Questionnaire. At Snowfields Academy we pride ourselves on our openness to feedback and our continual pursuit of improvement. The feedback that your responses have provided us with has been really informative and valued. 
I am incredibly proud of the achievements of my staff and students at Snowfields Academy. Your responses have really helped to demonstrate that their efforts are recognised by families, and that above all your sons and daughters are happy and making progress. 
Your feedback has helped us to identify areas of practice which we can improve upon. I hope that the information provided in this booklet will be helpful to explain our intended actions.

As teachers and school leaders we know the importance of feedback; without feedback a student does not learn, and this is also the case for an organisation. Your feedback, along with the responses from our students has helped us to reflect, learn and improve. As Principal I am incredibly grateful for this.

Thank you,
Dee Pickerill
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89% of you would recommend us to another parent
A whopping 97% of you think that your child is happy at Snowfields
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Snowfields Core Values
At Snowfields we have 5 core values for both students and staff.
We have looked at all of our survey results and set ourselves areas of improvement in line with each of the 5 areas.
Please read through to see what we are planning...
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Work Hard
All of our students work incredibly hard at Snowfields and we have a rich and broad curriculum. However some of you have fed back that we could do better at making families aware of exactly what the students are learning.

Moving forwards we will share a termly curriculum map for each class and year group so families have a better knowledge of the different topics and focuses for each subject. Furthermore we will shortly be contacting you to arrange face to face parents meetings where families can meet with teachers and discuss and review progress; we appreciate these meetings have been difficult to facilitate during COVID, we look forward to meeting many more of you in person.

We are also working on some further ideas to encourage students to be able to share some of their curriculum successes and highlights... Watch this space!
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Be Kind
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Supporting wider pupil development is incredibly important to us at Snowfields, and whilst 81% of you felt we were doing this really well, we want this to be higher.

The feedback we received about this in many ways related to us not sharing enough of the fantastic work that is happening in school to support this development. Great examples include our lunch time clubs, our Snowfields Squad (school council), the MUGA resources, our themed days and weeks.

We have therefore started using Snowfields Facebook, to share some of these fantastic events with our families. The feedback on many of our Facebook posts has been overwhelmingly positive, so please do give us a like.
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"And this is why it is such a wonderful school with wonderful children.... is always so calm since joining because the staff are so amazing and know exactly how to help"
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"Great pics... Fantastic school!"
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"What a super post and lovely to get an insight - this is ideal to show my child"
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"So lovely seeing how happy a child is at school"
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"Its these little things that mean so much to us as parents to see"
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We recognise that communication with our families is an area of development for us. Whilst as a secondary provision we wont provide the daily contact of a primary school, we recognise families want and need more communication opportunities than we are currently providing.

Thankfully we can now begin face to face meetings again, and we will shortly be sending information out regarding parents afternoons/evenings, so that families can meet subject teachers to discuss and review progress. In the future there will be a minimum of 3 face to face meetings scheduled throughout the year for each student.

We also recognise that families want more immediate feedback and insight into learning and wellbeing. We hope that our fantastic new Facebook page (Snowfields Academy) is helping in this regard. In addition as a result of your feedback, class teams will be emailing weekly updates to ensure that you are better informed.
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