Book Creator

The Joy of Language (and) Art: Creative Responses to Kwame Alexander‘s The Crossover

by Benedikt Rosmanith

Pages 2 and 3 of 65

The Joy of Language (and) Art:
Creative Responses to
Kwame Alexander‘s The Crossover
Class 9d
Gymnasium am Römerkastell Alzey
May 2021
For learners, to read a book in a foreign language is one challenge. To write a book is another, much more sophisticated one.
Dear students of class 9d! It has been an extremely unusual and challenging school year, and I‘m sure you can use some boost of energy. All of you have put different amounts of time, skill and effort into showing your understanding and appreciation of Kwame Alexander‘s highly accessible and fascinating verse novel The Crossover. May this collection of your works remind you of your talents and may you enjoy flipping through these pages as much as I enjoyed compiling them.
Thank you very much, class 9d, for supporting this project so passionately and, in doing so, for making school life in these chaotic and often stressful days more enjoyable.
A Letter to Kwame Alexander
A Letter to Kwame Alexander
Mona‘s Version of Cut
A Student Performance of Dribbling
A Student Performance of Fast Break
Marc‘s Meme of Motivation