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Effects of Plastic on Marine Life

by Olivia and Alyssa

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Effects of plastic on marine life
By Olivia and Alyssa 6th class
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What is the effects on marine life ?
Fish ,seabirds ,sea turtles and marine mammals can become entangled or ingest rubbish ,causing suffocation ,starvation and drowning
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Globally, 100,000 marine mammals die every year as a result of plastic pollution. This includes whales ,dolphins,seals,sea lions and sea turtles .there are two mains ways that marine rubbish can be fatal for these creatures: ingestion ( eating ) or wrapped up in plastic-based fishing gear.
Why do they eat plastic
The new research suggests sea turtles are attracted to plastic.

Marine predators like sea turtles ,whales, and sea birds forage over a vast area to find food
certain shapes and sizes look and smell like they’re food they would eat
Effects on plastic entering the human food chain !
It is not only the marine life being affected by the plastic pollution it is also humans that are being affected
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The effects on plastic effecting the human food change could be vital. It could not only harm animals but it can do serious damage in the human body. That is why we have to act now and fast against plastic pollution.
Marine animals facts
Over 75% of marine animals have plastic stuck on their body and their body will grow around the plastic until it get to the point where the animal will suffocate and sadly die
One marine mammal or sea bird dies every 30 seconds due to plastic pollution