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How has the Geography of the West shaped who we are?

by Trip Learners


How has the geography of the west shaped who I am???
What is geography? Geography isn’t just one single thing, it is multiple different themes and ways to be identified.

There are five big themes to geography, they are:
1. Location
2. Place
3. Human-environment interaction
4. Movement
5. Regions

These themes are what make up every aspect of geography,
1. Location
There are two different types of geographical location. There is relative, and there is absolute location. In relative location you might use another object as a point of reference, an example of relative location would be: Myrtle Park is to the left of Seycove secondary. Another type of relative location would be describing the surrounding area. Absolute location, this type of location uses exact coordinates using longitude and latitude, street addresses, map coordinates, and gps. It is hard and fast, the coordinates do not change for the location.
2. Place
Place is a description of a place that can be put clearly into a persons mind. An example for place might be “meet me at the crescent moon shaped rock beside the beach with the white sand”. Place also includes all of the physical and cultural distinctions.
3. Human-environment interaction
The alteration of the environment and how we as humans interact with it is what human-environment interaction is. Examples of this in our everyday life would be bridges, dams, roads, mining, or really anything that was built by humans.
4. Movement
This might be pretty simple on the surface, movement is planes, trains, and automobiles, as well as watercraft. Those are staples of movement but there is also humans using other animals to move and just using our own bodies. A more obscure way to look at this though would be to look at your house and imagine how they got those materials there, did they ship them in? Maybe they flew in some pieces, or maybe a train carried something. Movement even supplies other movement, trains and ships bring in gasoline and oil to fuel our other means of movement.
5. Regions
A region would be where you look for similarities to other places, like huge mountain ranges or you talk to a local who gives you a loose area that has a name, an example would be Deep Cove, it is a vernacular region, somewhere loosely defined by people. There are two other types of regions. Formal regions, which are defined by official government boundaries. Functional regions, which are defined by the function of the area.