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Lockdown Journal

by Marianne McGurk

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Lockdown Journal
Marianne McGurk
Friday the 20th of March 2020 all UK schools and universities closed their doors for the foreseeable future. National Lockdown was implemented on March 23rd, ordering all businesses to close and to work from home unless you were a key worker. Covid-19 had travelled from Wuhan in China and had got a grip on the UK. The British government was extremely slow to respond. Citing all decisions being based on the science. All the science in the world cannot prevail common sense. And they missed the common sense boat. They didn't listen to the WHO, they dropped community testing, they didn't buy into sourcing PPE with the EU, and that decision alone cost the lives of hundreds of doctors, nurses and carers and their family members. Major events still happened all over the country in the run up to the lockdown. The prime minister shaking hands with infected Covid-19 patients on hospital visits is beyond belief. Notably he went on to contract Covid-19 and was taken into critical care. A global crisis of epic proportions and our PM is struck down leaving his juniors to manage the nations biggest catastrophe since world war two. But by then the damage was already done.
As of May 19th 34,796 people have died from Covid-19. There are also the other costs. Halted treatments for ongoing health conditions, as resources have been re-deployed to fight the virus. The cost to children's wellbeing. The cost of isolation for some and the cost of manyness for some others.