Book Creator

american Indian Wars

by Liam Spence

Pages 2 and 3 of 8

American Indian Wars By Liam
Chapter 1: battle of Tippencanoe

The war is beginning, everyone along the Tippecanoe river is in danger. Will anyone be able to stop this fight? Read to find out about the battles during the westward expansion.

Over 200 years ago, the Battle of Tippecanoe happened on November 7, 1811.  It was a fight between American soldiers and Native American warriors.  It all started because the Native American chief of the Shawnee tribe named Tecumseh wanted to set up a settlement to help slow down the Westward expansion. Chief Tecumseh came up with an idea to build a large Native American settlement.  He worked with his brother Tenskwatawa also known as “the Prophet” along with allies to build Prophetstown.  The chief decided to leave to find more allies to help keep the settlers from moving onto their land.  

Governor William Henry Harrison was in charge of defeating the village of Prophetstown.  While Chief Tecumseh was away finding allies, the Governor decided he wanted to attack the village.  However, the Native Americans wanted to talk it out first.  Since the chief wasn’t there, his brother Tenskwatawa talked with the governor and they agreed on a cease fire.  A cease fire means they agreed to stop fighting. The chief told Tenskwatawa not to attack until he got back.  Sadly, he didn’t listen to the chief and decided to do a sneak attack on Harrison and his army. This ended up being a bad idea for the Native Americans.

The Battle of Tippecanoe ended with the American soldiers winning.  They won because they had a bigger army and guns.  Prophetstown was destroyed by Governor Harrison and his men.  

In conclusion, the Battle of Tippecanoe was an important battle during the Westward Expansion because it showed how defeating the Native Americans allowed the settlers to take over more land.  
This is a TRUE picture of the battle of Tippecanoe!
Chapter 2: Black Hills war

Another war is starting because something has been discovered. Do you know 
what it is? Read to find out…

The cause of the war was the US government wanted to obtain ownership of the Black Hills. Want to know why? Settlers found gold in the Black Hills! Also, settlers began to encroach onto American Indian lands. If you don’t know what encroach means, it means to invade or move into someone’s land. Oh, and don’t forget that the Sioux and the Cheyenne refused to cede ownership.

The Black Hills War was made up of a number of battles and negotiations over the two years it spanned. There were significant losses of life throughout the war. On the Native American side, there were approximately 265 individuals killed. Whereas, on the American side, over 300 people perished. Now you may be wondering, where did the war take place? Well, it took place at Dakota territory, Wyoming territory and Montata Territory. 

In conclusion, the war ended in 1880 when the Sioux and Cheyenne tribes surrendered to the United States. 
This is a TRUE photo of the Black Hills War!
Chapter 3: Sand Creek Massacre

Many battles happened during the Westward expansion.  The Sand Creek Massacre was a battle between two Native American tribes and the United States army.

The Sand Creek Massacre was caused by the fighting over the Great Plains in Colorado. The Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851 gave ownership of the area north of the Arkansas River all the way to the Nebraska border to the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes. But by the end of the decade, American miners flooded the area looking for gold. On November 29, 1864, the U.S. Army attacked the two tribes' villages and killed unarmed men, women and children. The Sand Creek Massacre mixed up the cultures of the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes.

In conclusion, a lot of people were not happy over the massacre.  It led to less cruel actions between the government and the Native American tribes.
This is a TRUE photo of the Sand Creek Massacre!