Book Creator

A Tale of Two Kings

by Tegan Davies


A Tale of Two Kings
By Tegan Davies
My eyes open slowly, but I hear no sound. Why can I no longer hear the loud cries of a million soldiers? What on earth has happened? Why am I here? A few moments later, I realise that all of my body is covered in blood. I question myself, why am I suddenly surrounded by bloody bodies and silence? Struggling in pain, I get up and walk around. I look with my blurry vision around the battlefield. Sadly, a lot of my fellow soldiers did not survive the enemy’s power. Why has this all happened so quickly? Have we won or lost?
Life has changed a lot since King Arthur came into power. The joy, that once filled our town, is no longer there. Before King Arthur, there was a wonderful King and his name was King Charles. The King sadly passed away. The old king was generous to his people and popular with everyone. Unfortunately, Prince Arthur was crowned King after his father’s death. Life is terrible now because as soon as the villagers wake up, they work until the sun goes down and the moon rises up. It’s hard to have a smile when King Arthur’s around! Everyday, on top of the mountains I see a group of knights, training with King George, who is from a neighbouring kingdom. These knights are professional trainers so they’re really strong and they’re getting ready to battle King Arthur’s vicious army. Slowly walking away, I start to realise that I should help them! Why aren’t I there? So I bravely turn around, walk my way up the mountain. I can feel my voice shaking in fear and worry. I face my fears and ask him, “May I join your army?”
A few days later, after hours and hours of training with the other knights, King George approached proudly. We were all really excited. The King happily explained that we were the best at fighting and we were ready to win! I was full of joy! We were finally going to put a stop to King Arthur’s crazy madness.

That night, I hardly had any sleep. I could not stop thinking about the battle and how we really had to win it. The night was really long, and to be honest, I can’t even remember if I had any sleep or not. However, morning had finally arrived and all I had in mind was winning the battle. My weapon of choice was a flail. It doesn’t just make a cut, it makes a lot of damage and harm. As I bravely walked across the battlefield, all I could see was a blinding sun and a lot of gigantic, white, puffy clouds. Everyone was very nervous, especially me. I wasn’t sure if we were going to take down the evil King Arthur’s army. Will I even make it back to my family?