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A Tale of Two Kings

by Tegan Davies

Pages 6 and 7 of 9

That night, I hardly had any sleep. I could not stop thinking about the battle and how we really had to win it. The night was really long, and to be honest, I can’t even remember if I had any sleep or not. However, morning had finally arrived and all I had in mind was winning the battle. My weapon of choice was a flail. It doesn’t just make a cut, it makes a lot of damage and harm. As I bravely walked across the battlefield, all I could see was a blinding sun and a lot of gigantic, white, puffy clouds. Everyone was very nervous, especially me. I wasn’t sure if we were going to take down the evil King Arthur’s army. Will I even make it back to my family?
Now, it is a warm, early summer’s day. The wind rushes through the grass as the sun keeps getting brighter and brighter as each second goes by. I am actually sweating a lot underneath my armour, especially my face. As every second goes by, I clench my flail tighter and tighter. My whole body starts to ache. Thinking about it, I don’t know if I made the right choice. Was I smart or not to do this? As both armies stare at each other in anger, it is completely silent. Both Kings stand in silence, wondering which army will strike first. It’s not fair because the other army is on a giant hill which gives them an advantage to win. However, I know we have to win and we’ll try our best! Unexpectedly, King George shouts, “Assemble!” From this moment on I knew everything would be different.

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