Book Creator

A Tale Of Two Kings

by Ellie Willicott

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By Ellie Willicott
A Tale of Two Kings


My eyes open slowly, but I hear no sound. What has happened to me? Why can’t I remember anything? Unfortunately, I see piles of dead people. I have so much pain from the back of my head and, as I touch it, I feel it dripping with blood. Where am I? I have no clue if we have won or lost. Why has this happened to me?
Life has changed a lot since King Arthur came into power. The joy that once filled the village, is no longer there. When King Arthur’s father was King, life was happy because he was kind, caring and generous to the people in his kingdom. Now evil King Arthur is on the throne. I wake up and hope there is no work for me. I hate working for him because he is ruthless and cruel, and the reason why life is so terrible. Every day on the top of the hill, I see knights training along with King Henry, who is from a neighbouring kingdom. These knights are getting ready for a huge battle with King Arthur. How can I not help the King who is going to change my life? I walk up the hill and I ask, “Can I join your cause?”

A few days later, after hours and hours of training with the other knights, King Henry approached proudly. The King came up to us and I knew that we were ready for battle against the ruthless King Arthur.
That night, I barely slept. All I could think of was winning. Did I fall asleep or not?

I awake and the battle is on my mind. My weapon of choice is an axe, able to penetrate the strongest armour and a shield so that I can defend myself. Approaching the battlefield with shivers down my spine, I sense nervousness with the army. I think to myself will we beat the mighty, fierce army of King Arthur? Finally, am I are going to get back home?
It is a breezy spring morning and the frost on the grass is starting to disappear, due to the sun appearing over the hill. Under my heavy helmet, I could feel sweat dripping down my face.
I hold the axe tightly, my hand starts to go numb.I start to think whether I am making the right decision or not Am I brave or dumb to join this cause? I continue to stare at the enemies more in hope than expectation. As the two armies face each other, nobody speaks at all. Both King Henry and King Arthur are silent in anticipation, thinking who will attack first . King Henry’s army stands on top of the hill as King Arthur shouts “charge”. From this moment on, I knew everything would change.