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A Tale of Two Kings

by Oliver Morgan

Pages 6 and 7 of 17

That night, I could hardly sleep. All I could think about was the battle waiting for me. The night was long and I don’t think I slept at all.
It’s morning and all I can think of is the battle. The weapon of my choice is a mace, used to smash armour and attack defending shields. Approaching the battlefield nervously, I could sense a hint of fright in the army. Are we finally going to defeat King Charles army? Finally I thought to myself, am I ever going to get home?
As both armies charge at each other, the two sides smash with a clash of swords and the twang of bowstring. I run forwards, pushing and bumping people and blocking attacks. I can hear shrieks of pain and yells of anger. I can see King Charles’ side falling, we could win this fight. As I knock my mace against an enemy’s side spraying blood everywhere, a knight on horseback comes out of nowhere, his flail hitting me on the back of the head. It knocks me down and I don’t see anything else.
As both armies charge at each other, the two sides smash with a clash of swords and the twang of bowstring. I run forwards, pushing and bumping people and blocking attacks. I can hear shrieks of pain and yells of anger. I can see King Charles’ side falling, we could win this fight. As I knock my mace against an enemy’s side spraying blood everywhere, a knight on horseback comes out of nowhere, his flail hitting me on the back of the head. It knocks me down and I don’t see anything else.

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