Book Creator

Sound of Friendship

by Sara

Pages 8 and 9 of 81

Lemon Squares & Awkward Couple Poses
For Chris

We like to live in the moment,
never looking back at our stupid decisions.
Don’t pay any mind to the people that don’t like us,
don’t worry about the past,
worry about what were’ doing now.

We’re not alike, though.
We may have the same mindset,
but our actions are different.
And I think that’s a good thing.

If there were two of you
talking about astrology
& using the same three hand gestures,
the world would end.

If there were two of me
talking about MGK
& saying ‘dude’ constantly,
the world would end.

We can go days without talking.
But when we see each other,
it’s like we were never apart.

If there ever came a time
we were not together in our hearts,
the world would end.