Book Creator

Going Coastal 2019

by PLP 8

Pages 2 and 3 of 28

Going Costal
Replace this box with a map shows Vancouver to Newport, then add a drawing tracing the route of our trip.
I’m really excited to see a starfish because, I find them really cool! They are one of my favourite sea animals because I find them unique and different from other animals. They’re really cool because you wouldn’t think they could move but they do and it’s really interesting to watch.
The Astoria Column
Oregon Day 1
The Astoria Column is 125 feet tall and is covered on the outside by a frieze that depicts historical moments.
Speech Bubble
Oregon Day 2
Fort Stevens
Today I learned that in World War Two they has to cover up the cannons because the Japanese might think that it is an artillery and decide to bomb it. They had to build over the pits and then plant greenery overtop. They planted the greenery so that from above it looked even less suspicious.
High Life Adventures
Small businesses are really important to small towns because they usually are locally owned and don’t make as much money as company’s that have lots of different locations.
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Rounded Rectangle
Oregon Day 3
Columbia River Maritime Museum
First Nations Section
There is a lot of information in this museum. In this bubble, describe the impact that the arrival of the first colonists to this area had on the First Peoples. Include some facts from the display. Write at least 5-9 sentences. Try to include information on how their worldview was impacted.
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