Book Creator

A Locket Through Time

by Annie Wilczynski

Pages 6 and 7 of 25

body, I was on a ship, underneath the deck with a bunch of other women. They all looked just as seasick as I felt, but how could I feel something if I wasn't in my body. I was scared and panicking, but I wasn’t, because whosever body I was in, they weren't scared. I actually felt really brave, but I knew that wasn’t me, it was the women I shared a body with.

Then she, we, moved our arm to pick up a locket around her neck. It wasn’t any locket though, it was the one I had seen in my grandmas attic! That’s when this had happened, when I had picked up the locket. I didn’t have time to think about it though because all of a sudden I was walking with all the other women off the boat. As I made it to shore I had a thought, but it wasn’t mine, it was the women whose body I was in, her name was... Jacqueline! This place is exactly what I need, she thought, it looks like the perfect place to restart.

As we walked toward the buildings someone yelled, “Bienvenue á la France Nouveau!” So that’s where I was, I had learned about this place. As I was walking
toward the buildings, she was given a home and something they called a Hope kit. When she got to her lodging, she sat down and went through her kit, it had a brush, some shoelaces, two bonnets, and variety of other things. I still couldn’t control the body I was in, but I was getting used to it, it was interesting to see what someones life was like, so long ago.

As days went by she met different people, people they wanted her to marry or other women who moved here to start a life. Some were already married, within the first week! Jacqueline didn't want to get married though, she was really scared, she had just lost her only child before she decided to move here. She wanted to find someone who was okay with waiting a bit for children.

It had been a month, she was now married to a decent man, who was ok waiting a bit for a child. They were getting short on money, and if they started having children, they would be granted some money. That night her husband came over to her and said, “I know you don’t want to have kids yet, but
toward the buildings, she was given a home and something they called a Hope kit. When she got to her lodging, she sat down and went through her kit, it had a brush, some shoelaces, two bonnets, and variety of other things. I still couldn’t control the body I was in, but I was getting used to it, it was interesting to see what someones life was like, so long ago.

As days went by she met different people, people they wanted her to marry or other women who moved here to start a life. Some were already married, within the first week! Jacqueline didn't want to get married though, she was really scared, she had just lost her only child before she decided to move here. She wanted to find someone who was okay with waiting a bit for children.

It had been a month, she was now married to a decent man, who was ok waiting a bit for a child. They were getting short on money, and if they started having children, they would be granted some money. That night her husband came over to her and said, “I know you don’t want to have kids yet, but