Book Creator

The Face On The Milk Carton (group 2)

by Jazz - Jasmin - Nina


by. caroline b. cooney
Before Reading II
family resemblances
We are not quite sure what family resemblances have to do with the novel. It’s normally that children resemble to their parents. The novel may be about a child that his parents had never known before. It’s often surprising how much we resemble to our parents in case we are standing together. And in fact of the book it will be the same if the kid recalls his parents. The child will remember the moments with his parents, when it was litte. Although it was a long time ago.
All in all, one can say that we often don’t see our similarities to other people. It’s more other people who detect ourselves resemblances to other people.
Vocabulary - Chapter 1
01. Aufsatz, Geschichte = essay
–> I always get bad grades, when I have to write an essay.
06. Menschenmenge = crowd
–> I can’t find you in the crowd!
02. ernst, ernsthaft = serious
–> My teacher is always serious we me, cause I often disturb the school lessons?
07. gedemütigt/ sich schämen = to feel ashamed
–> My brother feels ashamed, cause he slept in school and everyone was laughing.
03. Schüler/in der Oberstufe (Oberstufenschüler) = senior
–> Seniors are practicing for their education or their graduation.
08. die Schulden = the depts
–> Many people take out loans with the bank: After all, they have debts with it.
04. erröten/ rot werden = to blush
–> My friend often blush, when she see the cute boy.
09. das Krabbelkind/ Kleinkind = toddler
–> You act like a toddler!
05. Sorgerecht für jmd. erhalten = to get custody
–> If a couple separate, the court has to decide who gets custody of the children.
10. gehorchen, hören auf = to obey
–> I have to obey my mother.
Chapter 1-our discussion a little bit different
In my opinion, the left girl will be the best actor for the role “Jane”, because she looks like a girl which is not the best in school but it looks like she’s able to write a good essay. On page 13 they said that Jane “lived inside her mind” so the second up left would also represent Jane.

Sarah-Charlotte want a muscular, smart, rich and tall boyfriend. So maybe the second girl from the left on the bottom could have some wishes like that. Because she looks like a girl which is interested in her beauty and style. The other one couldn’t represent the girl so far.

I think Reeve is one of the right guys because he’s not a guy who has good grades in school. On page 7 someone said “Now Reeve, start studying, pull those grades up”. The one on the bottom is maybe better for the role “Reeve” because he’s older than the other guy on the top.
Ideas for Jane
Idea for Sarah-Charlotte
Idea for Reeve
Chapter 1- our discussion a little bit different
I am for the girl in the middle of the row. She has amazing red hair. They are described in the book as wild, chaotic mane of red curls glinting gold. (p.2)

Both girls in the bottom could be Sarah-Charlotte who is blond. It says in the text that her hair is white blond and as neat as she had cut it out of a magazine. That’s why I think the left girl fits better. The girl also looks sophisticated.

The boy in the middle doesn’t match because he is carrying books. Reeve is described as lazy, someone who doesn’t do homework.
I could imagine the other two. His dream is to live anonymously in a city, so maybe the bottom right one. But I am not sure.
Idea for Jane
Ideas for Sarah-Charlotte
Ideas for Reeve
Chapter 1- our discussion a little bit different
For the role “Jane” we need a girl with a power hairstyle, with awesome hair. The hairstyle of the girl on the left is not the perfect vote, because her hair is too neat and we need a volume hairstyle. Jane’s hair is described as wild, chaotic mane of red curls glinting gold. So the girl on the right has the perfect preference, but for the act her hair needs a makeover to get more curls.

For the role “Sarah-Charlotte” we need a girl who has white-blond, neat hair. So both girls could be perfect for the role. But now we could not underestimate the character of both. Cause Sarah-Charlotte is more in social media and we know that she wants a steady boy friend, who has to be tall,handsome, muscular, smart, courteous, and rich. So I think it’s more the girl with the phone. The other one is more for an other role.

For “Reeve” we need a cool guy, not someone with books. So the book-man is out, cause we don’t need a nerd. The other two are both cool. But we need a senior and the younger one is not old enough. So we take the right one.
Ideas for Jane
Ideas for Sarah-Charlotte
Ideas for Reeve