Book Creator

The Face On The Milk Carton (group 5)

by Eline - Cedrik - Anne Mieke


Reading diary
The face on the milk carton
Caroline b. Cooney
Anne Mieke, Cedrik, Eline
29th April 2020
Chapter I
family resemblance
Before reading II
task 3:

1. Probably the main character notice, that there are many differences between her and her parents, so she gets confused.

2. Maybe the main character wonders if her family is really her family.

3. Maybe the carton makes her aware of things that are strange in her family.

4. The more differences she notice the more curious she gets and the more she wants to know what is going on.

PS: two of us already know what the book is about
The face on the milk carton
4th May 2020
Chapter I
Aufsatz, Geschichte:
-> essay
It is very difficult to write a good essay.

ernst, ernsthaft:
-> serious
 Teachers are often serious, which forces the students to pay attention.

Schüler/-in der Oberstufe:
-> senior
Seniors are the stundets, who are practicing for their graduation.

erröten / rot werden:
 -> to blush
People blush when they are mortified.

Sorgerecht für jemanden erhalten:
-> to get custody
 Often there is a big fight between separated parents about who gets custody.

-> mob/ crowd
 At big fastivals there is a big mob/crowd.

gedemütigt / sich schämen:
-> to be mortified
 Persons are mortified when they did something stupid.

-> debt
Most people get into dept when they buy a house.

das Krabbelkind/ Kleinkind:
-> toddler
 Many people think that toddlers are cute.

gehorchen, hören auf:
-> to obey
 Workers must obey their boss.
Chapter 1
4th May 2020
Casting of the actors
Chapter II
6th May 2020
(to) compute = berechnen
(to) kidnap = entführen
(to) be trapped = gefangen sein
(to) avoid = vermeiden
(to) vanish = verschwinden
(to) spin = drehen
(to) be paralysed = gelähmt sein
(to) remember = sich erinnern
(to) be aware of = sich einer Sache klar sein
(to) make sth. up = etwas ausdenken
Actually, we knew right from the start that the word "to kidnap" must be included in the collection in any case, because it is very important for the story and is also the topic of the whole book. We also added: “to compute, to make sth. up, to be trapped, to avoid, to vanish, to spin, to be paralyzed, to remember and to be aware of“, because they also describe key moments of the story. "To be trapped" or "to be paralized" for example describe Janie's feelings. "To remember," "to be aware of", "to compute“ and „to make sth. up“ on the other hand, describe the ambivalence she feels.
8th May 2020
Chapter II
Task 2:
Her small body seemed to thicken, as if she had real iron in her blood and weight several tons.
It was like crawling on glass.
Perhaps I should move, she thought. But nothing happened to her legs. They stayed there, holding her color-wheel brain in place, waiting to get run over.
I‘m sort of like a flag. [...] they don‘t say it out loud, but [...] the old flag waves, YOU‘RE DUMB.
Her brain stopped being a color wheel and became an echo chamber - Jennie Spring...
[The daydream] crawled out of her brain like a creature out of the dark.